Public Service Announcement

Galveston County Emergency Services District #2
930 Noble Carl Drive 409-684-2005
P.O Box 1575 Website:
Crystal Beach, TX 77650

GCESD#2 Update 04-02-2020

Howdy All,

Hello, I am Sid Bouse, President of the Galveston County Emergency Services District Number 2 (GCESD#2). The board of GCESD#2 is responsible for the emergency services on the Bolivar Peninsula. We operate the ambulance service here on the peninsula and we work in conjunction with the local Volunteer Fire Departments (VFDs) of the peninsula for fire and support services.

We have a very real challenge facing us as a district. Even though we are well prepared and have dedicated medics and employees, we are concerned for the safety of both the community volunteer fire fighters and our emergency medical technicians who are working daily to keep our community safe and healthy. With an increased number of people in our small rural community comes an increased vulnerability which jeopardizes the safety and health of our first responders. The emergency services district has issued a Disaster Area Declaration for the Bolivar Peninsula. The district has established policies, procedures and has reached out for support in order to protect our communities.

We have an amazing community here. We are blessed to be able to work and live in this unique environment here on the peninsula. With that said, we strongly request that everyone (visitors and residents alike) heed the warnings, adhere to the restrictions, and abide by the stay in place orders that are being issued and updated daily. We all are looking forward to the day the world, not just our piece of it, can get back to normal or at least achieve a “new normal” everywhere. But until that time comes, EVERYONE please adhere to the commonsense practices that are being announced here and around the globe.

This note and our webpage have links to the Federal, The State and The County web pages for the latest updates and instructions.

Stay Safe, Stay Strong and Stay Isolated, Thanks, from all of us here

Feds: CDC Daily COVID 19 Task Force Updates

State: Governor, Texas Department of Health, Texas General Land Office,

Region: SETRAC Galveston County Health District

District: Galveston County ESD#2